Hunter's birthday partay back on the 25th. He played and sang. We watched. We ate cake.
A new project for my water tank - in fact, my Christmas gifti from Hunter; plans are to adorn and bring life to this tank with bamboo a la Peterson
Yep - it's what you think: snakes in my bathtub. Adventure has taken on a whole new meaning in my house. Not only did I discover these 2 coming out from under my tub, but there was another little guy found later under my bed! Nightmare much?! A local family that's been here forever recommends putting screens in our drains. I say. Jason of Peace Corps Kinikele days has still got me beat with 2 cobras found under his bed. I've been told these are just house snakes. I hope so.
I'm sorry to have been so quiet on the blog of late. I've had loads of wageni (guests) on campus to host and lots going on outside of work stretching and growing me. The theme of my last few weeks has been: becoming and self-improvement, so I'll end with these...
"We cannot become what we want to be by remaining who or what we are" - Max DePree
"i want to be a gentle presence
like you
the way your touch is cooling
or maybe warming
like when the sun is new
and young
let my footsteps fall softly here
and may they say
yes, i know her
she comes from
where truth dwells"
-lisa borden (
To becoming...
1 comment:
Tait, I don't check your blog regularly, but whenever I do I leave it feeling nostalgic, uplifted and inspired. I hope you are doing as wonderfully as you seem to be. Keep doing great work, and enjoy all that your amazingly full life brings your way!
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