Thursday, August 06, 2009


I feel compelled to write on yet another reason why I remain - four years later - in love with this country. Our school cook, Daniel, an older gentleman probably in his 50s, approached me yesterday before he climbed into the school van, which takes our staff home every evening. This warm father of three told me smilingly that he had a gift for me tomorrow from his family. I say ‘smilingly’ because this man is all smile. He does everything smilingly, exuding true joy and love every second of the day from every pore. He refuses to shake a hand when he greets; a hug is required and that’s not typical in this culture. Maybe he’s been taken by the hugging culture with all the American huggers frequenting Peace House.

I had completely forgotten about this until today as the day was coming to a close and the staff started wandering towards the van. I call it “the 4 pm exodus.” All of a sudden, there was Daniel at my office door, holding a black grocery bag. He closed it calmly with his hand so I couldn’t look inside, smiled (of course) and gave me a big hug. “Here is what my family wanted to give to you…FREE…it’s yours. For you.” He could not stop smiling. He was beaming in fact. I couldn’t wait to look and see what surprise awaited me.

Inside the bag were the following: a fresh bunch of grapes wrapped in newspaper, a bag of cake muffins, a half kilo of peanuts and…a perfectly ripe avocado. My favorite. Actually, he’d selected many of my favorite items in TZ. How sweet is that?! For no reason. Out of the blue. A bag of goodies. Just because.

It brought me back to Manga, my old Peace Corps village, when my favorite neighbors, Mama Joyce and her five children, would drop a bucket full of sweet potatoes at my doorstep. And they barely had enough to eat themselves. But they would always share. For no reason. Out of the blue. A bucket of goodies. Just because.

These people love unconditionally. These people give beyond their means. And most every day, they make me feel so fortunate to be here, among them, grasping what it truly means to be a human being, relating as family.

Oh Daniel. I will be sleeping sweetly tonight because of your kindness. Thank you. Asante sana baba yangu. How did you know I needed that? He always knows.

1 comment:

vino luvah said...

Wow that is so awesome, Tait. And I don't think it was "for no reason," as you say... it's because you are amazing and constantly give to those around you. I'm so glad there are people, like Daniel, who recognize that. :)

love you!